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Grades 1-12 | All Levels Available

We offer 5 levels from Beginner to Competitive Grades 1-12 in 5 different cities:

Beginner • Intermediate • Competitive • Elite • OVA Rep Teams

Below outlines each of the 5 Levels and quicklinks to popular programs. Click on the links for more details on each program.

OR select your Level along the top menu, and review the programs in the drop downs.

We have leagues, weekly training, tournaments, camps and more!

If you need more information or help to decide which level and program is most best for you, please contact us!

Beginner | Grades 1- 6

Youth players with little to no experience.

Little Spikers

Co-ed | Grades 1-4

1 Practice / Week

45 mins Sessions

Academy Training

Co-ed | Grades 3-12

1 Practice / Week

1.5hr Sessions

Intermediate | Grades 1 - 12

Youth players with some volleyball experience (gym class, school, completed beginner programs)

Academy Train & Play

Co-ed, Girls | Grades 3-12

1 Session / Week


Academy House Leagues

Co-ed, Girls | Grades 4-12

1 Session / Week


Select Training

Girls | Grades 6-9

1 Session / Week


Summer Camps

Co-ed | Grades 1-11

4-5 Days

Academy Tournaments

Co-ed, Girls | Grades 6-12

1 Full Day

Competitive | Grades 7 - 12

Youth players with a strong volleyball background with years of team experience who love to compete and be challenged, but don't have the time commitment for a full time Travel Team.

Select Teams

Girls & Boys | Ages 11U-18U

2 Practices / Week

Tournaments & Exhibition Matches

Must Tryout

Select Training

Girls | Grades 6-9

1 Session / Week


Select Summer Leagues

Co-ed | Grades 1-11

1 Practice / Week

1 Game Day / Week

Select Tournaments

Co-ed, Girls | Grades 6-12

1 Full Day

Elite | 14U - 15U | Grades 10-11

Competitive Youth Travel teams with high level of play. Players must tryout to make a team. They train 2-4 times per week and compete locally Sept - April/May.

Elite Teams

Girls | 14U- 15U

3 Practices / Week

Compete Locally

Possible OVA Tournaments

OVA Travel Rep | 13U - 18U | Grades 9 - 12

Competitive Youth Travel teams with high level of play. Players must tryout to make a team. They compete in the OVA circuit, train 2-4 times per week and compete in 6 – 10 tournaments Sept - April/May.

OVA Rep Teams

Girls & Boys | 13U- 18U

2-4 Practices / Week

6-10 Tournaments | Sept - May

OVA & National Tournaments

Rep Summer Clinics

Girls & Boys | 13U - 18U

2 hr Practices


Pre-Season Open Gyms

Girls & Boys | 13U - 18U

Meet OVA Rep Coaches

2 hr Practices
